The IPC is a comprehensive, thematic, creative curriculum for children aged five to 11.
What is it?
The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) is the term for a learning programme that has been adopted by schools worldwide as a globally-focused version of National Curriculums. It is used by schools throughout the world, encompassing learners from the age of three to twelve.
What are the goals of IPC curriculum?
IPC lays out a clear process of learning and specific goals for every subject. It aims to develop international mindedness and encourages personal learning through the development of eight personal goals: thinker, adaptable, resilient, collaborator, communicator, respectful, empathetic, ethical.
Why IPC International Preschools?
The IPC curriculum places families at the forefront. Research indicates that more than 40% of learning takes place at home and in order for us to maximize the learning process, we provide families with a home based curriculum to strengthen and reinforce learning in the classroom.
IPC focuses on bilingualism to ensure that all students are immersed into a learning environment that facilitates early adoption of second and third languages.
The curriculum is developed to the highest international standards, conforming to national standards across the globe.
The International Preschool Curriculum consists of thematic units. All units encompass six trans-disciplinary content learning areas:
(1) Language Arts
(2) Socio-Emotional Skills
(3) Numeracy
(4) Creative and Visual Arts
(5) Sciences
(6) Fine and Gross Motor Skills
The curriculum is based on proven and peer reviewed concepts that include play, inquiry and objective based learning styles.
There are five underlying themes and objectives of the IPC which are designed to cultivate critical thinking, raise self-awareness, promote an understanding of other cultures and encourage internationalism and multilingualism.
The IPC takes the prevailing view that the first few years of a child’s life provide a vital opportunity for development. The IPC involves family and parents wherever possible in understanding and facilitating the objectives of the organization.
Infant & Toddler
A daily curriculum with sufficient developmentally appropriate activities for a standard academic year. Each activity includes a “Rationale” to assist facilitators in gaining a holistic view of the activity’s significance and provide them with confidence to plan lessons of their own.
36 Weekly Thematic Units
6 Content Learning Areas
59 Developmental Milestones
L1 – L3 PreK to K
Designed for children aged 3-6, the L1-L3 curriculum offers a developmentally appropriate program with cumulative assessment options.
The emergent literacy component refers to a library of 100 children’s classics while thousands of professionally designed learning aides support learning environments that submerse learners with imagery, color and play.
The curriculum is aligned with several national standards including UK, US and Singapore. Upon completion, students are prepared for primary education in most national and international settings.
Key Characteristics of the IPC
The curriculum has clearly defined objectives which are designed to facilitate assessment and highlight areas of student progress or concern
Limited aspects of inquiry based education designed to spark and maintain interest levels
By making learning fun, children are exposed to a learning environment that is second nature
The IPC believes that all children develop at varying paces not necessarily defined by age
The IPC believes that families should be at the center of their child’s education
6 content learning areas and approximately 20 subjects ranging from agriculture to mechanics
As a living document, the IPC regularly edits and refines its curricula materials. New units to strengthen core skills are added annually
All materials are reviewed by academic peers to ensure rigor
As a curriculum that was designed with an international audience in mind, the IPC has a special focus on internationalism, multilingualism and diversity